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Hosting static site on AWS with S3, Cloudfront, Route 53 and ACM

Hosting static web sites in AWS S3 is cheap and reliable way to deploy a website. Using Cloudfront as CDN dramatically improves performance

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Using Short Lived Credentials with AWS CLI

Learn how to improve security by using short lived credentials to access AWS services. View the sample code and detailed instructions for use.

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Create Cloudfront S3 signed URL with Java based Lambda

Step by step tutorial showing how to use Java based AWS Lambda function to create signed URLs for Cloudfront in front of S3 bucket.

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PayPal Checkout Integration with AWS serverless

How to integrate PayPal Checkout with AWS serverless application? Learn how to use Lambda, DynamoDB and API Gateway for integration

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Serverless Applications Architecture on AWS

Want to learn how to deploy serverless applications on AWS? In this post, I present different approaches to serverless applications architecture

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